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Groups Feature
Updated over a week ago

As a clinic administrator it can be challenging to manage multiple clinics and cost centers. You don't always know how certain clinics are performing and who is utilizing the account. The Groups feature gives you the ability to group users and shared rooms.

After you assign groups you will be able to:

1.Assign providers and staff to different groups

2. Make updates to multiple waiting rooms at once

3.Compare and export usage data

How to create groups:

  1. Go to Account Settings from the dashboard

  2. Click Clinic Settings

  3. Expand the Groups section

  4. Click the Create Groups button

  5. Give the group a unique name

  6. Click Create Group to finish

You will now be able to assign groups to users and shared rooms.

How to assign groups

  1. Go to Account Settings from the dashboard

  2. Click Clinic Settings

  3. Expand the Manage Users section or Shared Rooms section

  4. Click the drop down arrow in the group column

  5. Choose the Group you want to assign

  6. If the Group does not exist yet, click Create group

You can now use the assigned group in searches to assign room access, make updates to waiting rooms, and compare usage data.

If you are interested in creating large groups, we would be happy to assist you.

  1. Go to Account Settings from the dashboard

  2. Click Clinic Settings

  3. Expand the Manage Users section

  4. Click the Export user list at the top right

  5. Open the downloaded file in Excel or Numbers

  6. Add new column and fill it with group names for each existing user

  7. Email the CSV to

You will receive a confirmation email that the groups have been assigned. You will see the assigned groups in the Manage User section in Clinic Settings.

Make updates to waiting rooms

You may have different departments that want to make updates to their waiting rooms. By assigning groups to providers, you can update the waiting room for specific groups of users.

  1. Go to Edit Waiting Room from the dashboard

  2. Make updates to the Waiting Room

  3. Chose the group from the filter

  4. Click Save

  5. Confirm the change by clicking Apply

All rooms assigned to the group will now be updated with the new waiting room changes.

Compare and export usage data across groups

Before assigning groups, you can only see usage for the entire account, individual provider, or shared room. After assigning providers to groups, it will be much easier to see:

  • How each group is performing

  • Which providers are active in each group

To get started:

  1. Go to Meeting History from the dashboard

  2. Use the search bar at the top right and select a group or the entire clinic

  3. All calls for providers and shared rooms assigned to this group will show up

  4. Click the export button to download a CSV of the data

You can now open the file to view data in a spreadsheet.

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