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Notifications: overview

Get notified when a patient checks in to your room

Updated over a week ago

You can choose to be notified when patients enter your waiting room. Use the Notifications tab in Account Settings to enable the type of notification that works best for you. Then return to this tab anytime to update these settings as needed.

Browser notifications


  • Works well if you are typically at your desk when patients check in

  • Allows you to work in other applications on your computer and still know when your patient is ready

  • Available on all plans.


  • May require a bit more work to set up, depending on your browser settings

  • Can be less reliable due to browser updates and issues

Email notifications


  • No need to be tethered to your computer to know when a patient is ready

  • Can be referenced later to determine patient's exact check-in time

  • Very simple to enable


  • Emails are not typically good at getting our attention

  • There's a chance your email provider will send the email to your spam folder. This can be addressed by making sure is in your email contacts.

  • Available only on Pro and Clinic plans.

Text notifications


  • No need to be tethered to your computer to know when a patient is ready

  • Text messages are often good at getting our attention

  • Can be referenced later to determine patient's exact check-in time

  • Very simple to enable. Just enter your preferred mobile number in settings


  • There's a chance your mobile carrier categorizes the text notification as spam and decides to filter it. This can often be addressed by contacting your carrier.

  • Available only on Pro and Clinic plans

Chat notifications

By default, when you receive a chat message from a patient, you will hear a notification sound from your device. You can go to the Notifications tab in Account Settings to change the sound. You can even turn off the sound completely by selecting "No Audio" from the drop-down.

Privacy and HIPAA Information

In keeping with Privacy and HIPAA standards, no protected health information (PHI) is ever included in notifications. Even if a patient uses their full name to check in, will only include the first name of the patient in the notification. (To be exact, the notification includes whatever the patient enters as the first word in the check-in field.)

If you have any questions, please contact our support team.

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