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Invite with personal email

How to use your email account to send invites to patients

Updated over a week ago

You can use the to send an invite to a patient from your personal email account right from your dashboard.

Using a Web Service (Gmail, Yahoo, Outlook Live)

GIF showing how to send an email inviting a patient to an appointment using Gmail
  1. Click on Invite via on your dashboard

  2. Select Use web service (Gmail, Yahoo, Outlook) from the Choose email type drop-down

  3. Choose the web service you want to use for the email invitation

    • This action will open a new tab or window in your browser. If you are not already logged in to the service, you will be prompted to log in.

  4. Enter your patient's email address

  5. Edit the invite, if desired

  6. Click the send button

Image showing a new Chrome tab opening when clicking Use Gmail

Using Your Default Email Client (Apple Mail, Outlook App)

GIF showing how to send an email inviting a patient to an appointment using your default email client
  1. Click on Invite via on your dashboard

  2. Select Use my default email client from the Choose email type drop-down

  3. Click on Start composing email

    • This action will open your default email application. If you have not already set up a default email client on your device, you will be prompted to choose one and then log in.

  4. Enter your patient's email address

  5. Edit the invite, if desired

  6. Click the send button

NOTE: When sending an email to your patient using one of these two methods, your patient will receive the email from the email account you used and will be able to reply to the email. If you prefer not to share your email with your patients, you can choose Send from (Requires Professional or Clinic account)

If you have any questions, please contact our support team.

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